GENERAL READING JOURNAL Our general reading journal is an opportunity for us to provide our readers with a variety of subjects that are of interest to all persons that are interested in property. TOP 5 - Construction World Records Select Journal 10 Most Expensive Luxury Property MarketsArab Women and Affordable Housing (GCC)FOR SALE: Private Islands hideawaysGCC Heading for Housing ShortageGCC's Top 10 Developers 2013Is Affordable Housing Just A Mirage? (KSA)Next Tallest Tower in the WorldTallest Buildings in the worldThe Worlds Luxurious PenthousesTop 10 Best Performing Property markets 2013Top 10 Smart Building MythsTop 10 Worst Performing Property Markets 2013Top 20 GCC Real Estate Companies 2013TOP 5 - Construction World RecordsWorlds Highest Observation Decks View Article